Pluto Squares the Lunar Nodes—Confronting Our Identity, Past and Future

As Pluto aspects the Lunar Nodes, it’s creating a palpable friction. Under the surface…bubbling up from our individual subconscious. We’ve all been feeling it, each from our own unique lens: our birth chart.

Beginning in late March, Pluto has gradually increased intensity in it’s position between the past and the future (the South and North Nodes), embodying the bridge to our collective evolutionary progression. This transit is referred to as a “skipped step” by evolutionary astrologers and challenges us to heal generational wounds and cultivate healthier behavioral patterns—a giant leap forward if we are up to the task.

This square with the Lunar Nodes demands we confront our identity, acknowledging how our past - the South Node - shapes us, and discerning what we aspire towards - our North Node.

Pluto squares the South and North Nodes

Pluto squares the South and North Nodes

Pluto's transit brings to light the restrictions and obsolete mental models imposed on us from the past that no longer serve our growth. At the same time, it exposes ill-fitted ideals or goals, often influenced by societal norms and the false glamour of social media (feeling a little “over” doom-scrolling lately? Yeah, me too). These revelations aim to steer us towards authentic self-expression.

With Pluto's transit into Aquarius until 2043, it ushers in a new phase of collective consciousness.

This era challenges us to redefine what it means to be human. It invites introspection into our judgments, which often stem from deeply rooted biases related to background and upbringing.

Humanity is not about differentiating ourselves with cultural or ideological preferences, but rather the shared essence that connects us all.

When we enforce rules in the name of protecting humanity, we risk losing the essence of humanity itself. We are reminded of the counterproductive effects of treating individuals as potential rule-breakers or delinquents. We are now challenged to take a step back and ask questions; be curious. “Why did that person choose to react the way they did?” “How might I change my approach to elicit a different response?” Again, not an easy task. Especially coming out of a pandemic where personal safety, security and protection, were paramount.

Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius offers a paradigm shift from a Capricorn-Cancer, parent-child model to an Aquarius-Leo, humanity-individuality model, where we operate from a place of trust and respect for personal choice. This pivotal time with Pluto squaring the Nodes provides an opportunity to unlearn past conditioning and make a meaningful shift towards sovereignty, personal responsibility and authenticity.

Interested in seeing how this transit is affecting your birth chart? Schedule a reading with me:


Chiron: A Path From Wounds to Wisdom


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