Lunar Nodes Entering Libra and Aries—How it Affects YOU

Embracing Courage and Re-defining Relationships

A karmic shift is afoot!

The moon’s nodes are on the move, shifting the cosmic tides. Brace yourself for the Libran karmic stew as the south node enters Libra, stirring up questions about compromised peace, hidden frowns and polite dishonesty. The north node beckons from Aries, urging us to embrace courage and truth.

Between summer 2023 and 2025, we will navigate this celestial dance, each in our unique way. The overarching theme is about embracing the courage to stand true to yourself—feeding your life force and asserting personal will; holding true to your dreams and boundaries; overcoming fears. This 18-month transit has the potential to re-define personal relationships that are not balanced, where you are losing your personal power, and re-focus that energy on your SELF.

How can we effectively work with these energies? By exploring your individual astrological relationship with Libra and Aries (as it relates to your birth chart), delve into Venus and Mars and unlock the insights that shape your evolutionary journey.

Stay vigilant, embrace honesty, and dare to stand up for your truths.

Interested in learning more about this transit, and how it affects you personally?


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